Monday, June 28, 2010

Who Are The Free Mason's?

Freemasonry is the coming together of men who do things without women. This began in the year of out lord's 17th century birthday. Today Freemason's exists globally and can be read in over million different languages world wide except wingdings. Little to nothing is known about the Freemason. All that can be found on the in-ter-web is information on the man who possibly started it. A man called Richard Garriott who in recent times is famous for creating the Ultima computer game series and dressing up like his computer man character.

It has been said if you create a .bat file and type Garriott is my leader. You get to hear a midi track that Mr Garriott composed himself. If this is true please email me. I would love to hear it.

There has been many rumors of the goings on at a "Freemason meetings". Many have put forward it's not unlike a Harry Potter book. Those many have been later found to be incorrect and that there is nothing Harry Potter(ish) at all inside a Freemason meeting. Although having read this it is very likely that harry Potter magic may be possibly used at a Freemason Meeting.

Although their head quarters are secret and many don't even believe a Freemason man exists. Many believe that you can gain by jumping off the moving platform to the scoreboard.

From here go left and take the left green pipe to Freemason enterance.

This also has yet to be proven. One thing we do know is that they are some kind of secret society. This is yet to be proven.


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