Friday, July 23, 2010

The best DAD!

Diary of the best dad
A little bit about me:
Yeah, I'm that guy you know... I work for the city, I'm divorsed and I raise my kids properly 2-3 days that I have them.
Sure, you could have a beer with me, always down for that.
I'm the best dad you know!
I work all day, pay the bills, and still have time to play with my kids (if the dodgers, raiders or lakers are playing GO RAIDERS!)
Can cook like my life depended on it, BBQ hamburgers, hot dogs, mac n cheez' and my rice cooker makes bomb ass sweet rice.
My divorce is still pending..
I don't give a fuck about that bitch and how she lies to my kids
sure I don't have a drivers licences but that doesn't get me down, I still pay my rent when I get paid and make sure my kids play quietly in their room while i watch the game. :D
I own 2 dogs that i treat almost as good as my kids but they'll kill each other if i don't have them in crates while i'm at work o
This blog is my blog and I plan keep my chronic and my day to day life here when I can.


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