Thursday, June 24, 2010


-find hentai perverse enough to j/o to again
-make a maid cafe diorama with all my Revoltech figurines
-beat every Final Fantasy game, in order
-finish my P4 novella (why is Chie sucking my godly dick? CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. For that matter, why is Naoto sucking my dick? She wants to be a man, is that gay? I want to be a man, why do asian girls not like me, why do they scream
-touch a real woman, on the vagina
-post on internet re: touching a woman
-learn Japanese
-stop drinking soda for breakfast, get veggielovers pizza pie instead of meatlovers pizza pie for dinner
-do 5 pushups and 20 situps every day
-control sweating
-finally deal with "Mount Rei", scrape kleenex remains from floor/computer
-leave the house under my own power


HalflifeCrysis said...

-post on internet re: touching a woman ✔

The Ghost of Arlen Specter said...

- My only summertime goal? "Stop the bad thoughts."

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