Tuesday, July 20, 2010

April's Hot Hot Spot #3: Female priests are bad!

Female priests are as bad as pedophiles?

Since I'm not a catholic you would think this issue would not bother me.
How wrong you are!
This clown with the stupid hat who runs the world's largest sausage party
thinks that he is funny?
This girl doesn't.
Look, if they want to run around raping little boys and then cover it up
then that's their thing.
I don't agree with sexually molesting young people - but I don't wear a stupid hat.

I guess for these jerks it's just all a bit of fun.

Which reminds me so much of good old Rick "Man On Dog" Santorum:Add Image
"Santorum described the ability to regulate consensual homosexual acts as
comparable to the states' ability to regulate other consensual and non-consensual
sexual behaviors, such as adultery, polygamy, child molestation, incest, sodomy and
zoophilia (bestiality), whose decriminalization he believed would threaten society
and the family, as they are not monogamous and heterosexual."

Don't these goofs understand anything? Let's take the case of the most
talented and lovely Princess Victoria of Sweden:
Add Image

We all know she wouldn't condone these silly and despicable
sorts of things.


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