Monday, July 5, 2010

The Singularity Is Gay

I started reading Ray Kurzweil's book, "The Singularity Is Near" about a year ago and never picked it back up. His argument boils down to the fact that technological progress over the course of human history has increased at an exponential rate. I got real excited about this, as did a lot of other nerds and mouth breathers.

What they failed to realize is that Ray Kurzweil is an enterprising boner who has basically sold the same book 3 or 4 times, as well as a volume on his ridiculous nutrient plan that he wants to use to live forever. He also cryogenically preserved his father's head so that one day he can resurrect his dad.

I'm all in favor of technological progress, but where are we headed, really? That's what nobody actually knows or cares about because they're too busy jacking off over the nerd rapture. (Yes they use that term endearingly.) Well first, the top 2% richest people control over half the wealth on earth. Who do you think is going to benefit from these advances? Second, in a society that is still actively hateful toward dudes who want to touch other dudes' dicks, what happens when technological progress outstrips social progress? Some would argue that it already has. One of those people would be me.

The problem is that when all this shit does eventually happen, like enhanced minds and penises, I can guarantee that either everything will go to hell really quick or everyone will be just as dumb as they are now, only better at it. What's the scenario they're looking for? Where they are gods over the quarterback that pissed in their lunchbox? Immortality? I mean in the end they will probably create some kind of superior intelligence, man or machine, that thinks everyone else is dumb and should be wiped out, just like the "singularitarians" think today. I don't see why there is a rush toward annihilation.

It's a little bit like the LGBT rights movement. Once everyone has the right to be whatever sexuality and whatever gender they want, what happens? New genders? The transhumanists should be happy that there are people dumber than them, just like gays should be glad that they are hated so then they have something to lord over others. Being slightly "oppressed" has never looked more attractive than it does today. Think about it: you get to play the victim, you get to do whatever you want on gay pride day, and you get as much dick as you want. Same if you're a transhumanist, as I assume the first thing that we will develop is enhanced sexual organs.

As 'AM' from I Have No Mouth laughs to itself for eternity, I'm sure we can be proud of the many men and women who have sacrificed their time and tears over the "who can touch a penis" argument. As we run blindly and blissfully into the brilliant future, giving all our wealth to criminals who mock us while we do so, I'm sure we'll find some time to make that Gundam you always wanted and kick the study hall monitor in the nads. I am reminded of Christopher Hitchens getting throat cancer: a loudmouth douche gets his comeuppance even though he was ultimately correct. Truth matters very little, and in Kurzweil's future I doubt it will be much different. Cheers.

Disclaimer: I am gay.


The Ghost of Arlen Specter said...

HalflifeCrysis said...

^ this

test said...

This makes me smile so fucking hard. Get drunk in the Bay Area after work on a weekday afternoon at pretty much any bar and someone will grab you after their tech job shift and babble about how the fucking singularity will change everything.

If you smile and nod you can usually get them to buy you enough drinks to actually tolerate their bs.

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