hello welcome to this blog. do not tell the police about this blog. if you are a cop do not read this blog. if you are a cop and you read this blog that is entrapment and i'll have your badge for this. your career is over, because you read this blog. onlyi f you're a cop. this blog will not destroy career unless you are police.
hi i'm writing for BLOG, maybe. my interests include drugs, politics, video game, and drugs. i hate the fucking police.
so this guy got all mad about "left-wing policies" and decided to go get pulled over on purpose and shoot at the police. i'm not sure if he thinks its a left-wing policy that caused him to be unable to get a job because he's an ex-felon, causing him to live with his mother, because he's an old white guy so he can't just sell drugs like a reasonable ex-felon. since that article doesn't say what his previous felony(s) were, i'm going to assume they're bestiality and taping major league baseball without consent.
at first glance conservatives shooting at the police seems like a win/win. the police are being shot at and a conservative gets shot or at least goes to prison. there is a dark side, however, to shooting at authority figures for no particular reason. and that's that people who make decisions about things love the police, even more than they love old white people. when you shoot at the police they give them new powers. did you know that in england it is illegal to look at the police. its true.
when should you shoot at the police, then? most people, when asked, will say "all the time" or "whenever they get in my way" (this one especially if they're action heroes) but the answer is that you should only shoot at the police if you see them committing an injustice, like shooting a handcuffed guy, or giving me a ticket. or maybe you shouldn't shoot them at all. to be honest its probably not a good idea.
but if you have to shoot at someone, why not consider wall street? it might be a bit of a drive, sure. but its not like you have anything else to do, clearly, and the worst case scenario is that you get pulled over and get that police shoot out you were aiming for anyway. and, if you're lucky, you just might manage to shoot someone who really is responsible for your country's problems.
or just shoot yourself. w/e
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