Friday, June 25, 2010

April's Hot Hot Spot #2: Fat's not cool

Fat's not cool

As a matter of fact it can be amazingly hot in the Summer time.

Recently one of the TV networks, I think Fox or ABC banned this Lane Bryant ad:

So it set off some sort of fire storm around the internets about hot fatties on TV.

One of the interesting sites out there to tackle this subject is Fat's Not Cool
and here is their response video:

This brings us to the real subject at hand. It's really really not about the health or well being of others we're concerned with. It is to be sure about what we look like. Come on guys! Men, tell your ladies to shave their legs. And to all the gals out there seething with rage I say this: wax your mustache! And when you order double big Macs with extra everything and super large fries - remember the one gallon diet Coke isn't going to help much honey.

So girls, if you jump out of bed 10 minutes before rushing off to work; you need to spend more time making yourself beautiful. And while your slopping down buckets of fried chicken, do some sit-ups. Take a run down the road. Work the fat off those thighs!

Just think that if the absolutely gorgeous & stunning Princess Victoria of Sweden sat on her ass all day, she'd be fat too.

And this brings us to the final point. Don't watch network television. And stay far away from the Republican propaganda ministry of Fox "news". Do something meaningful with your life.
You know back in the early days of television they referred to the broadcasts as "programming".
The dopey car chase scenes, sex & violence was only intended to keep you interested and tuned in until the next commercial. You have been programmed.


Sharyn Tate said...

Girl, u harsh!! Lol but on the real you're right, us gurls gotta know to look after ourselves..

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