Thursday, June 3, 2010

Diane, the internet is stranger than I even imagined.

I'm filing my first report earlier than expected. It was not difficult to move beyond the safety of Google search results and Yahoo! Answers to a... darker side of "the web". Part of my directive involves going deep undercover, "lurking" anonymous messageboards and trying to gain intelligence from this murky subculture that may help in solving a number of heinous crimes and missing persons cases.

I have already uncovered a disturbing artifact which I feel I must file immediately. A personal journal written by "Lady K", or "Kryssie", a lost soul whose life is consumed by her addiction to crack. An anonymous poster found her journal, scanned the contents, and posted them for all to see.

Halfway into the very first page she already expresses suicidal thoughts:

She can be a little hard on herself:

It is heartening, though, to see that she understands fully the cause of her problems:

A lot of the journal focuses on her relationship with a certain male. She seems to sway violently between love and hatred for this individual. Anyone who ever had a heart knows this is indeed a fine line to tread:

I'm enclosing a full copy of the journal for analysis back at headquarters. For now, it's time to fire up the percolator for my next adventure.

Oh, and Diane - do a background check on this "Justin Bieber" character for me. I'm not sure who he is, but if my preliminary investigations are any indication, he seems to be an important figurehead in this burgeoning online youth culture.


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