Saturday, June 19, 2010


the Elder asked me if I had become aware of any new celeb gossip through my meditation. I shook my head; my hair extensions fell out, a sign of weakness in Elf culture.

they have such magnificent hair, the Elves, but it's hard to tell how much of it is real and how much is illusion. my meditation had made me start to wonder if that distinction even mattered at all.

the Meditation Hall was sparsely decorated, though it was apparent that the Elder had been making use of the coupons that i had transmitted to him telepathically.

behind the old Elf I saw a poster for The Suite Life of Zach and Cody, their young faces shining onto mine through the gaps between his pointed ears and pitch-black hair like the sun through dense tree brances. "there's a new show, now," I said, breaking the concentrated silence he had built in the few minutes since our conversation. "they've gotten older, chubbier. They've left the hotel, to explore the seas."

"Is that so." the Elder whispered to me, eyes closed.


Part 1 of an allegorical series, "Am I in the Right Fandom for Me?"


HalflifeCrysis said...

cant wait for next instalment!!

The Ghost of Arlen Specter said...

Keep up the great work Alexx. One of my favorite pasttimes is watching CNN in the afternoon with Rick Sanchez on mute, the Bieb blasting from my hifi.

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