Monday, June 28, 2010

Weekly Corral Roundup: Dead Generals, &c.

Just for you loyal BLOG readers, here's the TOP political news stories of the past week in the newsosphere, presented in a cowboy-themed format. Longtime followers of my work might remember seeing The Corral on CNN's Situation Room, where I was a frequent commentator before being fired for clinical depression and replaced with a bitter senile old man with no living relatives (fuck you Jack!).

GIDDY-UP Obama fires top Afghanistan general over Rolling Stone interview

Earlier this year General Stanley McChrystal made several impolitic remarks about the Obama administration during a monthlong mescaline-and-speed-fueled journey through the Afghani Southwest with Rolling Stone correspondent Michael Hastings. Some of the more shocking passages include McChrystal bragging about "cucking" Vice President Biden, a scene at a French state dinner where an extremely drunk McChrystal inserted three fingers into French First Lady Carla Bruni's mouth, and repeated references by the General to President Obama as "Samby."

Almost immediately, an enraged President Obama fired McChrystal for insubordination -- the first such firing of a General since 1949, when President Truman sacked hotheaded General Douglas MacArthur for winning the Korean War against Truman's wishes. McChrystal was replaced by General David Petraeus, whom pundits on the right promptly labeled "General Betray-Us" for accepting a job offer from a known Kenyan and traitor to America.

GIT ALONG West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd (D) dies

The longest serving senator in American history Robert Byrd passed away at the age of 92 Monday. Because of the ambiguity in West Virginia elections laws, Byrd's desiccated corpse will serve out the rest of his term until it is up for reelection in 2012.

HEE HAW Ultra-Libertarian cartoonist Robert Cat has a new edition of his popular long-running comic strip Anthropomorphic Republican Talking Duck up:


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