Thursday, June 24, 2010

the trials of a promising young alchoholic home from college

welcome to the new america, we already hate you

fuck shit balls i could write a dumb sociological paper about why this country sucks but all you need to know is that my city requires two cop cars to keep private citizens from parking in a public lot. Officer Pork Chop and Officer Loin sit there having a heart to heart, drivers side windows facing each other, engines running, waiting like fascist cats to spring into action the second someone infringes on their 40-space domain. Every day, without fail, they bravely risk bedsores in the line of duty, tasers slung across their chests in quick-draw holsters, ready to beat the shit out of any punk weed smoking kid they can find. All we can do about it is drink. cheers mate, i pray for the collapse of society in my time, im ready to go mad max on a nigga. Ironically, the people best equipped for the fall of civilization are the least fit to live. the future is already gay. fuck the po-lice and the united states of Hutaree. god, ill miss video games and black people


Frank Gorp said...

gosh, this sounds severe. They probably don't even let you park your car if your going clothes shopping at the mall!

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