Friday, June 4, 2010

what is BLOG?

so ppl basicaly asking me all the time, they asking "John, what is BLOG?" until now i laugh at them they are stupid ppl who cant read or w/e. but im sick of this question so as founder of ill waste my valueable time here now explaining what is BLOG.

to understand BLOG u can start w/my first post. its p short so u should read it now & come back here when u read it already.

ok now unless u real dumb u read that post. its a good post but u might be dumb & dumb ppl cant understand it so ima break it down real simple. wehn the internet was new for most of us like mid 90s there isnt any thing called a blog. but ppl could make a site for free using thing like geocities. geocities was a place when u could make a page abt anything u want. this mean ppl used it to make pages abt themselves and thing they like. its real ugly b/c the web was like a lil baby then dint have fancy codes and stuff that make a handsome site like this one, the one ur reading now.

now geocities did it best to make it easy for any ppl to make a page with ugly as fuck broken editers and stuff and its basicaly a big mess. its okay they killed it now ur safe. except in japan. japan is a backwards-ass country in the intenret. they internet is real fast but they still dont know how to make good sites. thats why they still have geocities. thats right they can invent nintendos and shit but cant use web properly. japan is dumb.

then there come ppl who learn to use proper code to make websites that dont look like ass or at least even if they did cos web code still sucked the content was good. an famous example is the stile project. stile had a winning formula: post gross pics & videos and also become online celebrity naming the site after himself & posting about how today he leave his basement to take a shit or somthing. sites like this become know as "E/N" sites which mean "EVERYTHING/NOTHING". some forum still use this term to refer to ppl whining abt how they friend steal a girl from them or they too fat or whatever but this debase the true meaning.

E/N is the pinacle of online acheivement.

this is geting long and im bored already so ill get to the point: one day E/N sites were replaced with blogs. basically the same deal except with a dumber name and lots more ppl doing it. i guess livejournal bridge the gap or something but its pathetic and im not mention it again. so anyway anyone can use bloger or wordpress or w/e and rant into the ether abt their stupid dumb opinion on a thing and care a lot abt stuff. some ppl use blog format to good effect and u can find examples to the left there where it says 'other blog".

so whats the point of BLOG? this is the rebirth of E/N as it was meant to be. BLOG is everything and it is nothing. BLOG is the internet distiled. BLOG is a mirror and if u dont like what u see its cos u ugly as hell


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